mental Wellness & Stress

Helping you navigate the relationship between our physical health, emotonal well-being, and stress

You may have arrived here if you are… 

  • Experiencing burnout

  • Curious about the impact of unprocessed emotions on weight loss

  • Navigating a health project or illness, and wondering how your emotional health affects your ability to heal

You may feel lost in your body, or not recognize yourself.

You may feel betrayed by your body, or by life.

You may experience tension or emotional distance in relationships that you would usually find deep connection with.

Your body may communicate any number of symptoms, including:  unexplained headaches, muscle tightness, changes in how and what you eat, disrupted sleep patterns, brain fog, confusion.

You feel emotionally exhausted, depleted, or overwhelmed.


Together we can…

  • Build awareness around your unique strengths, and internal motives for personal meaning and growth

  • Pay attention to thought patterns, habits, and imprints that are self-defeating

  • Identify habits, routines, and rituals that awaken your body’s intuitive wisdom, and down regulate the stress response

  • Integrate evidenced-based mental health practices and routines to optimize metabolic health and sustainable weight loss

Let’s connect!

Book a free 15-minute phone call with me.