
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor - Illinois

Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider

Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women Instructor

200hr Multi-Style Yoga Teacher

Domestic Violence/Partner Abuse Intervention Professional

Sexual Assault/Rape Prevention Educator

Clinical Supervisor/Consultant

I’m most passionate about helping people make a better relationship with themselves.  Our #1 motive is to own our own mind, and create our happiest, healthiest life!

Hello! I’m Corliss Ivy, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider in private practice. I received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor focus in Theater from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a master’s degree in Community Counseling from Roosevelt University. I then completed the Advanced Psychodynamic Fellowship in Clinical Practice from the University of Chicago, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice.

I practice psychodynamic psychotherapy, integrating evidenced-based principles and research in interpersonal neurobiology, attachment theory, psychoneuroimmunology, and cultural anthropology. I have over 18 years of experience helping people make sense of their life stories, deepening their capacity to value themselves, and know their own mind. I am drawn to research that discusses:

  • How our relationships and life experiences impact the way that we show up for ourselves and the world around us

  • The relationship between stress, emotional well-being, and physical health

  • The intersection between our perception of community, our social identity, and how we experience connection within these groups


How the Journey Began

Years ago, I came to see that many of the challenges that I navigated (in my health, my relationships, and life choices) were heavily influenced by how I showed up for myself – honoring (or not) my unique needs, desires, and observations.  I gave space to various biases, myths, and wrong information.  I struggled unnecessarily, but (over time) discovered that there’s a much better way to move through life!

Coming Home to Myself

I remember the moment… I enthusiastically participated in a research exercise for a co-worker, who was completing a thanatology certification.  She presented me with a series of values-based questions about what held meaning for me – both in my current life, and what I could perceive being most important at the end of my life. 

[For context, we worked together (at that time) in an oncology setting, providing loving, supportive care to patients at varying stages of their health journey – including end of life.  We understand the privilege, lovingkindness, and respect needed during such a sacred time.]

I could not wait to dive into this process!  Like my birth delivery plan, I came into this exercise with all kinds of ideas.  I wasn’t prepared for what I discovered…

I soon realized (by way of discussing all that I hold most deeply meaningful), that I’d built an existence that felt safe and predictable, but very stagnant and disconnected!  I didn’t recognize myself (figuratively and literally)!!  I felt confused and overwhelmed by the oceanic distance between what I’d identified as my core ideals and values, and how I had actually constructed my life! I had not made space for all of the things that I outlined as being most important to me.  Furthermore, the parts of me that I treasured most, were often absent in my interactions with others – in both my professional and personal world.  It was shocking and terrifying! Where did I go?  And why?


The Awakening

With this realization, I knew that things could not stay as they were.  Through my own depth work (with the most amazing clinician), I came to understand our various internal motives, but also the subliminal messaging that tries to contribute to the story that I created in my mind about who I am.  Together, I came to discover that there is a much better way to move through life! 

How I live out my passion

I want to join the cohort of clinicians, healers, and kindred spirits, wanting to transform the world by helping people: expand their perception of themselves, build awareness around perceived limitations (about their capacity for growth), and call upon their courage to risk delight in their lives. This often takes shape in the unique beauty of a depth-focused, therapeutic relationship.  It also lends itself to group discussion, psychoeducation, and integrative mental health wellness practices – focused around helping people heal, recover, and pay attention to messaging that impacts the way that they see themselves and construct their identity.

How I help others

I help people create their most empowered and inspired lives, by freeing themselves from limitations that keep them feeling small, stuck, and inadequate.  Together, we take the time to get to know what is most meaningful to them, and align their lives with these core ideals and values.